
Traditional Tunisian Look


This Eid, I decided to embrace my Tunisian roots and wear a traditional Tunisian outfit. I mean, I am in Tunisia after all! I've been wanting to get myself a "jebba" (a traditional Tunisian dress) for the longest time, especially since they're extremely comfortable and perfect for those hot and humid summer days. In fact, I'm wearing a jebba right now while writing this post, because I just couldn't bring myself to wear anything else in this hot weather. I have two jebbas in my collection as of now, but who knows... the collection might grow real soon ;)

After I posted a picture of my outfit on my Instagram, loads of people have been sending me messages and comments asking me where I bought it. Funny story is, I bought my jebba literally the day before Eid. I went to Medina of Sfax and looked through the "Bled Arbi", where there are loads of different traditional Tunisian clothes and accessories. Remember my blog post on downtown Sfax last year? That's where I went to buy it! If you want to learn more about the Medina, check out my blogpost here.

I also got my henna done, which a lot of people also asked me about as well. I've been seeing black henna on instagram for the longest time, and I got some serious inspo to get it done on one of my hands! I loveee how it turned out.

 My uncle's friend's mom does it professionally, so I went over to her and told her what kind of design I wanted. Right away she understood what I wanted, and she did the design on my hand in only 5 minutes! For those of you who live in Sfax, her name is "Mounira Bourchani" if you want to go to her to get your henna/harkous done. (Harkous is what black henna is called here in Tunisia). She is located in the Qaid Mohammed area in Sfax. If you can't find her, ask around and someone will for sure know where it is!

Loved how she drew a bracelet design on my wrist and added this adorable butterfly! The whole henna design lasted for 2 weeks on my hand!

A photo posted by Aya Sellami (@ayasellami) on

I bought this necklace from here with my name written in Arabic and thought it was perfect for this look. 


xoxo, Aya

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